

i'ma lovin' the world of atlanta bloggers!
keep discovering new art bloggers out there.

On Friday, I met Jeremy from GhostmapMicrowave and Ben from Proclaimitlost. While Ben didn't seem to like my work, I still felt a happy virtual kinship with them.

Cinque Hick's posted an interesting review of trueBADoor:


Ben Grad said...

I don't know what Jeremy thinks of your work yet, but, for what it's worth, we ended up talking about your installation for the rest of the time we were at Castleberry. Actually, I'm still thinking about it (and a few other things I saw over the weekend) now, which is why I added my notes to the Castleberry Art Stroll post.

While it's true I didn't like your work, the rubric I was using to examine your work is fairly flawed: I was comparing your work to what I imagined might be your best future work, I only got to see a small portion of a larger installation, and my experience with performance art is limited to videos of Bjork and Laurie Anderson and a few things at Eyedrum.

What don't you understand about my interpretation of your previous work?

Anonymous said...

who gives a fuck what those morons think. there's only one voice that really matters...michael kimmelman ;)

...a testament to the hotdog-down-a-hallway vacuousness of 'Art', popularly speaking, and a spot of personal chagrin for me that i even know that name!

everybody's a critic! like the old saying,~~"if you throw a rock you'll hit a critic...do me a favor homeskillet, throw it hard."~~


Unknown said...

Hi Ben,

I am curious, which performance art things have you seen at Eyedrum?

Also, I find it interesting that you keep downgrading your opinion of my piece.

About the previous work, I guess I don't know which images you've seen?

To Anonymous B, you are a funny one!

Ben, we should talk more in person. Maybe the meeting could include Eggtooth?


Ben Grad said...

I thought I was upgrading my opinion of your piece!

The last performance art thing I saw at Eyedrum was an artist performing right before AIDS Wolf a few months ago - I don't remember his name.

I'd love to talk in person, but I'm sort of freaking out about finals and deadlines all this week - sometime next week maybe? My email address is b.v.grad@gmail.com

Ben Grad said...

Oh, and a question occured to me while I was reading Cinque's review (http://www.influxhouse.com/comments/825_0_1_0_C/):

Did you have any choice in leaving the walls covered or uncovered by paneling?

Unknown said...


Next week should be nice, and I wish you luck with your finals.

The wood panelling is part of the space now--it was leftover from a previous artist's show--I like it!
Also, I altered my dress, and I dislike heavy/death/speed metal. However, that "jazz" music was horrid, and really got on my nerves.
